Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How To Play Age Of Empires One Without Cd

CEIP L'Olivera Visit the Tour with the Riu Turia

Yesterday some students GGA went to college L'Olivera to speak to students in grades 5 and 6 primary school about who we are, what we do and why we do it. We spent over an hour talking with them, teaching them blog, etc.
We loved the experience and were very comfortable with them, were very friendly and participatory with us.

We invite you, when moving on to study at IES L'Eliana, join us and together do more for the environment. We also looked at their school and we see good environmental management are in the middle, with banners, recycling bins, a school garden, etc.. Al finalzar, we did an interview with a student, León González, for the new radio program in which we are participating. Communicate the first issue soon.

Anyway, yesterday we enjoyed a lot with the visit and hope to one day be the ones who visit their smaller peers.

Monday, March 29, 2010

What Is 8cm Kidney Cyst?

I hope!

(Click on the image to view larger)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Congratulations Messages Married


Inventing ways .. dreceres Obrint

is the new Radio program Túria L'Eliana 90.3 to be broadcast on Fridays at 12:00 and 21:00 h.

A radio program which involved a large group of citizens and volunteers from L'Eliana. It is a bilingual program in which both spoken Castilian and Valencian. The purpose of this program is to share the actions and ideas of the people of L'Eliana and closer to the people of a different way.
be spaces in the program as Latinos de L'Eliana, Eliana L'solidarity, have the floor, the gathering, The Agenda, Voluntary Action Young (that's where part EMG) and Haiti, land of sun .

EMG is participating and collaborating on the first day with the drafting of the program to provide once again, our spirit engaging with society and the environment.

are two members of the group, Laura Gomes and Paul Solorzano those who will stand before the microphone and they will give their opinion of the group representing the various issues concerned. On Friday

April 16, at 12:00 and 21:00 first program will air. Will be heard on Radio Web Túria or tuning 90.3 rádio

From here convey our support and aradecimiento these people that voluntary action, help one more time, commitment and cultural development of L'Eliana.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Can You Pop A Syphilis Chancre?

Earth Hour Photo Contest

Earth Hour 2010 will be the biggest call to action ever organized. Will demonstrate that, acting together, we are all part of the solution to climate change, despite the poor agreement in Copenhagen.
Earth Hour WWF aims to involve more than one billion people and mobilize of 6,000 cities world to show global support for action against climate change.
On March 27, 2010 of 20:30 h to 21:30 h , discover what millions of people can do together.
A gesture, a symbol, a thousand millions of actions, global action on climate.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

9 Month Old Is Choking On Phlegm

l'Ajuntament de L'Eliana, through Regidoria Medi Ambient i Serveis, the contest has organitzat micro-photography i Relats "The Secret Life dels arbres" in order to stimulate the artistic and literary creation to the social and environmental values \u200b\u200bof parks, gardens and natural areas in the municipality. The event, framed within the municipality Sociambientals X Conference, $ 300 reward to the winning photo and finalist in the 100. Micro-narratives count a maximum of 150 words and may be written in Catalan or English. The winner will pocket $ 100 and the runner 50. The residents interested in participating have until April 13 deadline to post their snapshots and writings. The list of winners will be made official on April 18.