Sunday, April 25, 2010

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occasion of the Socio-Environmental Conference X L'Eliana and the International Year of Biodiversity , the GGA with the help of Agenda 21 and the collaboration of Exmo. Ayuntamiento de L'Eliana, has organized a debate at the Institute of Secondary Education (IES L'Eliana) aimed at students at the school on GM food. For this we have the presence of the speakers Daniel Ramón and José Santamarta, they'll try to explain and argue the benefits and damage the inside wall that transgenic foods have different socio-environmental factors. For us it is a great honor to do this kind of events in our institute. We acknowledge the effort, support and collaboration both speakers, as Pura Peris (moderator of the panel), Agenda 21 and the City of L'Eliana for helping the Environmental Management Group to the event.
hope that those teachers and students to attend and learn to enjoy the debate.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Best Hair For Snowboarding

GM Debate Day Zinc

Today, April 22, 2010 celebrates the 40th anniversary of neglected and unsightly Earth Day . While we are never aware of what this is, and we tend to think it's just another opportunity for the environmentalists heavy whip us with your concerns ... How did this start?

In 1962, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson start political lobbying for the environmental issue is part of the government agenda of President John Kennedy . After several years of social and political work in 1969 builds on the impetus of the civil outcry against the war in Vietnam, and calls for a very popular event where people from around the country expressed concern about the environmental issue management nationwide. In November of that year, the New York Times in the words of Gladwin Hill, writes:

"Awareness of the environmental crisis is sweeping college campuses with an intensity matched only by the dissatisfaction with the Vietnam War. .. by this office of Senator Gaylord Nelson planned a national day to discuss the environmental problems ... next spring. "

Thus the year 1970, the 22nd of April (spring equinox in the northern hemisphere) was held for the first time Earth Day . More than 20 million people responded to the call, establishing in their communities, universities and colleges, a platform for dissemination and discussion of the environment and its main problems.

social pressure had its fruit, and that same year the government of Richard Nixon created Environmental Protection Agency creates the (EPA in its acronym in English) with the mission of protect the environment and public health . In the same year, the U.S. Congress enacted the Clean Air Act (Clean Air Act) with the aim of establish safe standards on air quality, pollutant emissions and pollution . Also in 1970 Senator Nelson founded the Red Earth Day (or EDN for its acronym in English) that as a global institution, promotes the celebration of Earth Day as a forum for reflection and action for the environment. This network aims to encourage civic engagement of the students, educate citizens as responsible consumers and to mobilize the media, schools and local governments about environmental protection actions.

In the past year 2009 the theme of the Day Earth was green generation. EDN called to be an active part of the environmental network. Now, in 2010 will celebrate 40 years , and there are several issues including climate change. The ultimate goal is to one day celebrate "Earth Day , every day of the year.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Showering With A Yeast Infection

Earth green flags per a L'Eliana

Eliana City Council has achieved a new recognition to the environmental retained the five green flags which was awarded in 2008. The award, sponsored by the Consumer Federation of Independent Members, (FUCI) in collaboration with the Biodiversity Foundation, recognizes the work of the English city that bet on a municipal management aimed towards sustainability. The mayor of the municipality, Jose Maria Angel , was "very happy" to be revalidated distinction "very prestigious" and said the award "recognizes the work for years both the council and neighbors are doing to achieve Eliana green and environmentally friendly ". The awards ceremony will take place on 7 May in Madrid.

The jury in the eleventh edition of the Green Flag Award - Town Manager has rated the flaw in his actions that the City of Eliana is doing in waste, cleaning and gardens, environmental commitment, management Water, environmental education and citizen participation, as well as energy consumption and pollution.

The award does not have a permanent character, so that local councils Winners have the environmental certification for two calls, and have the option to renew it every year. Those municipalities for five years confirms obtain Green Flag Mention this Gold Award, the highest recognition of the event.

The Green Flag is not the only distinction that Eliana has received for its environmental management. The council was a finalist in 2008 for the sixth edition of the Sustainable City Awards, sponsored by the Environmental Forum Foundation, Ecocity, in the category of Water Cycle Management. A recognition that, as in the case of the green flag, the town was already obtained in 2003. That same year, in addition, Eliana was a finalist for the Green Pineapple Adena for its effectiveness in the implementation of Local Agenda 21 . "They are recognition of the career and the work done by the council, the municipal and citizens of Eliana to promote sustainable development" Angel stressed.
The Environmental Management Group wish to convey our congratulations to the municipality of La Eliana for their awards and good management is doing every day to improve and promote the sustainability of our environment municipality.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Caterpillar D68u Review

Transgenics: a breakthrough or a danger

12 to April 17 week Greenpeace welcomes the state's fight against GMO. GMOs threaten our health and degrade the environment. Contaminate other crops and destroy family farms, exacerbating global hunger. Coexistence is not possible. Consumer / as and farmers / as we have the right and responsibility to hear and decide how and where our food is produced.

A transgenic (genetically modified organisms, GMOs) is a living organism that has been created artificially by manipulating their genes. Techniques genetic engineering is to isolate segments of DNA (genetic material) of a living (viruses, bacteria, plant, animal and even human) to introduce the genetic material of another.

The fundamental difference with traditional breeding techniques is that can cross the species barrier to create creatures that do not exist in nature . This is a large-scale experiment based on a scientific model that is in question.
Some of the dangers of these crops to the environment and agriculture are the increased use of toxic substances in agriculture, pollution genetics, soil pollution, biodiversity loss, development of resistance in insects and "weeds" or unwanted effects on other organisms. The effects on ecosystems are irreversible and unpredictable.

The risks long-term health of GMOs in food or animal whose products we consume are not properly assessed and its scope is still unknown. New allergies, toxic appearance of new and unexpected effects are some of the risks.

GMOs reinforce the control of world food by a few multinational corporations. Countries that have adopted massive use of transgenic crops are clear examples of unsustainable agriculture. In Argentina, for example, the massive influx of genetically modified soybeans exacerbated the crisis in agriculture with an alarming increase in the destruction of forests, displacement of peasants and rural workers, increased use of herbicides and a serious replacement food production for local consumption.

The solution to hunger and malnutrition goes through the development of sustainable technologies and fair access to food and the use of techniques such as agriculture and organic farming. The biotech industry used its market power and political influence to divert financial resources that require real solutions.

defend the application of the Precautionary Principle and therefore we are opposed to any release of GMOs into the environment. Field trials, even on a small scale, also present risks of genetic pollution, so too should be banned.

Greenpeace is not opposed to biotechnology provided it is done in confined, controlled, without interaction with the environment . Despite the great potential molecular biology to understand the nature and development of medical research, this can not be used as justification to turn the environment into a gigantic experiment with commercial interests.

Did you know ...

  • to Spain reach 6 million tons of soybeans, of which approximately 66% is transgenic, and a million and a half tons of maize are grown in countries that have opted for the massive use of transgenic ?
  • Spain is the only EU country that grows GM large-scale in 2008 were grown some 80,000 hectares of corn modified with genes from bacteria?
  • two-thirds of the foods we eat contain soy products and corn?
  • in transgenic crops are used many toxic products, contrary to what the companies say that promote them, with consequent damage to the environment and health?
  • are experimenting with cow genes of soybean plants with genes in apple moth and even rat genes in lettuce?
  • that since the April 18, 2004 all food (except animal products like meat, milk and eggs) from transgenic crops have to be labeled as "genetically modified"?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Commercial Kitchen Hazards Activity Sheet

New blog

Hello everyone.

After days of research and testing with the blog we have decided to modernize by changing the interface and making the visit of our internet blog more attractive and modern.

I hope you continue to enjoy our content.

Greetings and Happy Easter.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Diagram Of A Old Ship

interface for cleaner vehicle fleet in Europe

France has the cleanest fleet in Europe

France, not only gives lessons in terms of CO2 emissions from electricity generation, with its huge nuclear power stations. Now is also the European country with the rates of C02 from the lower road. He has proudly announced the French Environment Minister Jean-Louis Borloo, and confirmed the CCFA (French Committee of Automobile Manufacturers).

The average level of new car emissions of 130 grams of CO2 per kilometer, 14 grams less than the European average. This average increased of 148 g / km in 2007 to 139 g / km in 2008 and 132.8 g / km in 2009, as confirmed by the Ministry of Environment.

The reason for this change has been the success of the combination of a system of bonuses and penalties depending on the purchase of vehicles that are more or less green, with an aid plan to get rid of highly polluting old vehicles.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Purpose Driven Church Sample Welcome Cards


H the garden till he came with hearts of love
Jesus came to the garden full of pain.

míranle kindly leaves

and olives with their piety,

and bones with charity,

comfort to the Savior.

L ollowing the garden Jesus went out to face death

garden After Jesus left, the hard cross to bear.

approached her bitter shame,

of the trees came The

was about a tree that has expired,

Jesus our Savior.

Ballad of Trees and the Master