GGA Today some students we went on a trip to Valencia Botanical Gardens. Then made a tour of the historic old city visiting places like the towers of Quart and Serrano, the Lonja, Central Market, Santa Catalina, Queen Square and we ate in the square of the virgin. We had a very good, as you can see in the pictures below.
We're all playing the money tree.
Relaxing by the pool.
Playing with some sprigs of rosemary that had been pruned.
At the top of the Torres de Quart
In the central mercao
A man who has been with us in food, "Louis."
And finally, the photo of the day, do not really know for sure we're doing, but it is a "pose" in the Torres de Serrano.
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico more than a month is giving a lot to discuss. Both Erenovable and from The Green Blog, we follow the news on an ongoing basis as well as the developments. Recently, we have a summary of what transpired during the last days, always analyzing what happens to the oil spill.
One of the latest we have commented Barack Obama bet on renewable energy in order to find an urgent solution to this problem, because the oil has spread and has come to haunt America. And just today June 5, which is World Environment Day, we learned that President Barack Obama has assured his support to those affected by the oil spill.
"What I said to several affected and what I have secured from the beginning of the disaster, I will express my solidarity with the people of the Gulf of Mexico until they have been compensated" - radio says U.S. President with the intention that all these people can recover from the tragedy oil. This
oil spill is being considered as the worst environmental disaster, linked to oil leak in U.S. history. Began, first, affecting some 200 km from the Louisiana coast where fish and birds affected. Then it spread to Alabama and Mississippi and now, last Thursday, began threatening the tourist beaches on the coast of Florida.
Obama said to begin with and are around twenty thousand people working daily with the intention to contain the lines of U.S. coastal oil pollution and to protect waters. To do this, Obama has made about seventeen thousand five hundred National Guard troops.
"We have also ordered BP to pay the demands facing economic injury, and ensure that every penny that must bear the people of the Gulf of Mexico" - said the U.S. president.
addition to the 1,900 vessels that are working to clean water, President Obama has sought out experts and scientists from around the world to cooperate in finding a solution to this problem that is affecting the environment and causing pollution.
Today, 5 June is World Environment Day and Rwanda, a country in eastern Africa that is taking a transition to a green economy, will host World Environment Day 2010, was announced by the United Nations United Environment Programme (UNEP).
The World Environment Day (WED) is intended to be the greatest day and widely held to achieve a positive action for the environment, is coordinated by UNEP on 5 June each year
ICON5 WED 5 June 2010: World Environment Day Environment In 2010 the theme is "Many Species. One Planet. Future "- a message that focuses on the vital importance for human welfare and to species and ecosystems. The theme of WED is also supporting the International Year of Biodiversity, held this year.
The combination of the environmental wealth of Rwanda, including rare and economically important species such as the mountain gorilla, allied to the pioneers and new green policies that the country is implementing, is one of many reasons why UNEP accepted the offer of Rwanda to host the 2010 World Cup.
While the country faces many challenges ranging from the recovery of poverty, developing sustainable energy resources to the degradation of land, this country called 'the land of a thousand hills' is developing strategies towards the future, including development of renewable energies such as solar and biogas generation.
icon2 WED 5 June 2010: World Environment Day The country is internationally recognized for introducing initiatives such as banning plastic bags, cleaning campaigns, national environmental and development of a conservation corridor for chimpanzees.
Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda stated that: "The Environment on Biological Diversity of the country to develop modern, sustainable business, are within the vision for the future of Rwanda. We are honored to host the World Environment Day on behalf of Africa and the international community, and organizational vision of a truly global celebration of biodiversity of our planet. "
Achim Steiner, UNEP Executive Director and Secretary General of the UN stated that: "The WED has become the expression basis of the desire of mankind to make a positive and significant environmental change. Rwanda is an African nation that despite its great challenges is strengthening the possible multiple opportunities for green economic policies. "
icon7 WED 5 June 2010: World Environment Day "Joining WED Rwanda in 2010 is therefore a partnership inspiring and convincing evidence that all economies, rich and poor, North and South have real and tangible opportunities to follow the path of sustainable development that addresses any new business development based on wise management of natural resources and clean technology and renewable, "he said.
WED is a day for everyone on the planet to support and become environmental - from schools to the presidential office and from communities to corporations.
the Rwandan capital Kigali is the place for this global celebration of the environment, with a range of activities for several days Rwandans inspire, East Africans and people around the world to take action toward the environment.
The celebrations in Kigali constitute hundreds of events will take place on June 5 in the world. UNEP plans to convert to WED in the biggest celebration ever seen, based on the success of WED 2009 - when people from more than 80 countries registered their activity on the WED website, hundreds of people posted suggestions and more 10.000 people joined the campaign "Plant trees with Twitter 'among other achievements.
icon6 WED 5 June 2010: World Day Environment Under the theme "Many Species, One Planet, One Future" the WED 2010 is aimed at mobilizing more people to the environment during the June 5, with a variety of activities from tree planting to cleaning schools community to stop using cars for a few days, photographic competitions on biodiversity, bird watching trips, park cleanup initiatives, exhibitions, environmental requests, nationwide campaigns and more.
International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
The August 19, 1982, at its emergency special session on the question of Palestine, the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization, alarmed at the large number of innocent Palestinian and Lebanese children victims of acts of aggression by Israel, decided to commemorate 4 June of each year's International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression (Infojoven, 2005). In addition, since 2002, added a protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child United Nations, the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on the involvement in armed conflict (CRC-OP-AC) which prohibited to recruit children and young people under 18 for use in armed conflict so far, this agreement has been signed by 116paĆses and only 87 have ratified it. Mexico signed the Protocol on September 7, 2000 and ratified it on March 15, 2002 (UN). The commemoration of the June 4 aims to promote the protection of child rights, in peace and security without the harmful effects produced by armed conflicts, it is urgent to enhance the protection of children for from involvement in such struggles (NHRC, 2005). June 4 This gives us a reason for not silencing the causes of guerrapermanente suffered by children in the world and affects millions of children and girls.
some frightening figures promptly let UNICEF:
-About half of the 3.6 million people have died in conflicts since 1990 was less than age.
"About 20 million children have had to flee their homes due to wars.
"In Sierra Leone there are absolute rates of mortality under five highest in the world after ten years of civil war: 284 of every 1,000 children do not reach their fifth birthday.
-Hundreds of thousands of children have been forced to witness acts of violence or
to participate. Many of them are forced to become sex slaves or be cooks, servants, messengers or spies.
"In Rwanda women, many of them survivors of rape, were tested for HIV during the five years following the 1994 genocide. Of these, 80% were HIV positive. Many had no sexual relations before the war.
-Children and adolescents are recruited to represent a human potential available, malleable and capable of performing various tasks on the front lines without measuring risks.
"The use of children in war is an equation that closes perfectly macabre minds . In general, children and adolescents obey without objection, may be pushed to commit atrocious acts and are cheaper than adults.
"The proliferation of small arms and light easy to use, such as pistols, revolvers, assault rifles, light, machine guns and grenades, it can be used to children as young as 10.
Other sources indicate that:
"In Colombia there are 6,000 children involved with armed groups. In the past 15 years, 1,100,000 children have become forcibly displaced and 5.250 have died as a result of landmines. Almost 3 million children work in conditions of high risk to their physical and mental health, and 800 thousand of them are under 11 years (Cifuentes).
-particularly in Colombia, every day seven children die violently (Godoy).
- Colombia is the fourth country in the world, "after Burma, Liberia and Congo, with the largest number of child combatants (Godoy).
"In Afghanistan, the children who represent half of the 21 million inhabitants of the country have been exposed to war and its disastrous consequences in the past two decades. They are the main victims of hunger, disease, illiteracy, forced labor and recruitment as soldiers (Network for the rights of children in Mexico).
"In the last decade, is estimated at 1.5 million the number of children killed in armed conflicts. Another 4 million have been disabled, crippled, blind or have suffered brain injuries. At least 5 million have become refugees and 12 million more have been uprooted from their communities. A much larger number suffered a deterioration in health, nutrition and education as a result of the destruction of crops, infrastructure, health centers and schools as a result of armed conflicts worldwide (Network for Children's Rights in Mexico).
"In Palestine, children, when born, are not considered individual beings, but above all they are Palestinians, as part a history and a common cause and represent the hopes and suffering of his people. Both Palestinian and Israeli children do not have the opportunity to choose, they have to take a situation that is given. Both were educated to fight the enemy, which can occur at any time (Sobrino).
"Despite some significant progress being achieved, more than 300,000 children who continue to engage and fighting in conflicts around the world (Sobrino).
-Currently there are over 120,000 child soldiers in Africa while the English are criticized for recruiting children at 16 years (UN).
"The social conditioning that idealizes war and teaches young children to suppress the sensitivity to be hard not to be afraid, not to mourn, evaluate the win above all, leads to the development of a "mental machismo" among the politicians who decide regardless of emotional or moral scruples. His "manhood" needs the "courage" to make decisions without worrying about the suffering they might evoke in others. The "cold" when making decisions, deeply attached to the values \u200b\u200bof the mystique of masculinity thus appears as the "ultimate expression" of male rationality. "