Psalms in the Liturgy
Among the different kinds of sentences that enrich the Liturgy of the Eucharist, is the recitation of the Psalms in the Liturgy of the Word. The recitation of the psalm is not a secondary or accessory is as important as any of the readings, and it is considered an integral part of the Liturgy of the Word.
liturgical reform promoted by the Second Vatican Council sought to recover the prayer of the psalm at Mass, as part of the oldest tradition of the Church.
Psalm often reflect the spirit of the other readings, is closely related.
The Psalms of the Bible is a collection of songs and hymns with which the people of Israel express their religious beliefs and desire to connect, through liturgical prayer to Yahweh. That is why the importance of their religious message. They reflect the people's living situation, information that helps identify the time they were delivered each and is the origin of the different kinds of psalms that constitute the Psalter.
is why they express the most varied human emotions: joy, fear, anxiety, enthusiasm etc. Even those that reflect the worst crisis, personal or all the people invited to hope, and it is based on the arrival of the Messianic Kingdom, the end of evil, which will lead to harmony, peace and love. From the very different situations, reflecting the membership of the Partnership and trust in God.
The person who does not know much about this part of the Bible, will be good to read the introduction this book and be encouraged to read it.
As in any part of the liturgy, it is advisable to prepare the readings of the Word, not to degrade the rites, and in the case of the Psalm, read it so that it is a prayer. To be a time of prayer, it can be read carelessly, meditation and devotion are reflected in the tone of voice, but so that all hear and understand what is recited. That the meeting
be repeating a refrain between verse and stanza allowed to participate, simply repeating, or even singing it.
There are many psalms that have been put to music and can be sung in its entirety by the assembly.
As the refrain is always taken from text of the psalm, where it appears necessary, you can change and choose another, always the same text.
For all readings of the Word can be understood and valued, there should be brief silences between them, as a way to highlight the importance of each.
be good way to recite the Psalm help people, may be discovering the inexhaustible richness of the prayer of the Church.
By Celia Celia Escudero Escudero-Lic. in theology, teaching and Roque Santa