Friday, February 25, 2011

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MADAGASCAR. Scientists discover new bird species

In a recent issue of the journal Zootaxa, researchers from the United States and Madagascar describe a new species of bird. The new bird has been dubbed beankaensis Mentocrex as gender Mentocrex is endemic to Madagascar and the new species beankaensis has been coined in relation to their environment, Beanka forest in west-central Madagascar. This species is distinguished from another of the same genus, known in the east of the island, Basner in features of size, plumage and DNA.
The discovery was possible with the joint efforts of the University of Antananarivo and the Association Vahatra in Madagascar as well as the Pritzker Laboratory of Molecular Systematics and Evolution at the Field Museum in Chicago, which accounts the discovery in a statement.

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the Amazon Rainforest Threatened

Considered the largest river basin in the world of the Amazon region is a vast tropical forest ecosystem that covers an area of \u200b\u200b7 million square kilometers, its extension is divided among nine South American countries: Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana and French Guiana.
Experts believe the area as a biological reserve richest planet with millions of insects, plants, birds and other life forms, many of which have not yet been classified by science.
The Amazon is the second longest river in the world with a length of 6400 km and a rate higher than any other releasing 6.5 million cubic feet per second in the rainy season. This river is responsible for one fifth of the volume total water flow into the oceans of the world.

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SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO. Why Animals were altered with the earthquake?

With desperate barking, dogs were the first to notice that something unusual was happening. A constant feedback from our readers were the reactions of their pets before the earthquake.
Panorama Journal veterinarian consulted Alberto Lucatelli on this characteristic of animals with these phenomena. "Animals have a special sensitivity to the danger. For dogs have an alert system that holds especially alert to any danger. Although it seems that your senses are asleep still awake and quickly perceive any movement or change, "said the vet.

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On a Connection Between Theory Mammal Stranding and Natural Disasters

"It is impossible to establish a definitive connection between stranded animals, and natural disasters, despite the large amount of data collected," said Mridula Srinivasan, marine biologist and researcher at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States. "Mammals aground for several reasons," said. The dean of the KS Hegde Medical Academy, on the west coast of India, Arunachalam Kumar is convinced that when a marine mammal stranded on the coast is a sign that there will be an earthquake. Kumar predicted an earthquake caused a tsunami in December 2004, and announced through an electronic discussion group of American Natural History University of Princeton, three weeks before it happened. "My observation, confirmed over the years, the mass suicides of whales shows the event is related to changes in electromagnetic fields and possible realignments of tectonic plates," wrote Kumar in a 2009 analysis of pilot whales stranded in November 2004 off the coast of Tasmania in Australia. "After calibrating the epicenters with dates displayed stranded animals, I have reasons to believe that major earthquakes occur one to two weeks after it beached whale watching," he added. The earthquake of 9 degrees on the Richter scale on December 26 of that year caused the Indian Ocean tsunami that left 230,000 people dead. "I do not believe in the theory of a connection between stranded mammals and the occurrence of natural disasters," oceanographer disagreed Indian Kularni Sarang. How many animals have been stranded without an earthquake, asked IPS.

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ARGENTINA. Parrots and pigeons, Dangerous Enemies of Crop

La Pampa in Argentina is so rich in nutrients to produce millions of tons of food, but also to attract parrots and pigeons, to eat part harvest, became a headache for farmers. The problem occurs in one of the leading world exporters of grain, flour and oil, where producers now fear not only the weather or prices, but must watch helplessly as the flocks of birds down their lots and shelled sunflower plants and corn.
"The problem is very large, mainly in the province of Buenos Aires. The flocks are getting larger and the plague is spreading increasingly. Where already installed, each year is more severe," he told Reuters Javier Dominguez, a farmer in the region of Luján, 70 km west of the capital of Argentina. Buenos Aires is the main agricultural region of the country but due to the voracity of small animals in some areas of sunflower, corn or sorghum comes to suffer a cut of 50 percent in productivity. The scourge spreads other regions: in his last weekly crop report, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Grain Exchange in Buenos Aires warned of extensive agricultural losses generated by birds in the provinces of Entre Rios and Chaco, located east and north.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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Map of Animal Apocalypse: Mass Death Reports Continue Animal

The phenomenon created a Google map that locates all reports of dead animals, collectively, around the world. Here we see cases in Oceania (Australia and New Zealand), Asia (Vietnam, Japan, and Thailand) Europe (Sweden, Italy and United Kingdom), Puerto Rico, in a dozen places within the United States and even in southern Brazil. But beyond the phenomenon, which in itself is intriguing and one hundred and alarming point, it does draw hípermediatización that has been generated around this case and, as always, is a taste of overlapping agendas, a scenario in which it almost impossible to tell precisely what is actually happening, but also intuition tells you that any of the scenarios, from officers to the conspiracy, is insufficient.

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The 11 Deaths Massive strangest animals

The phenomenon of thousands of dead birds in recent days as well as millions of fish in different parts of the world, is not unique in history. Perhaps most significant is the fact that they are being reported this way and perhaps the formation of a secret pattern. On one hand we explanation of biologists and experts on the phenomenon , while at the other extreme are various conspiracy theories have arisen about these recent events . In recent history there have been several deaths phenomena mass of animals, many of them esoteric reasons that remain a mystery. If we go further back we see that the planet's history is the history of mass extinctions of animals caused by cosmic phenomena, magnetic and climate. Are we entering an era of massive transformation similar? Hard to say, the truth is that we must be vigilant.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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Recent History TEGUCIGALPA. Honduras. A Guardian Angel Animal

love for animals has led to a legal practitioner to turn your home into a haven for stray animals.
As a whole, Silvia Alfaro's lawyer defends his client with great resilience and it is this strength of heart that moves to bail out every creature on the street is going through any difficulty. "I can not understand how people can leave in a dumpster shot a defenseless animal, or which is the reason why some owners abandon their pets to fend for themselves," he said. As a mother of three children has great maternal love that moved to their protected until they regain their health and find them a home. Detachment
As their work is a personal initiative, Alfaro invests much of its goods in food, medicines, cleaning and recovery of each animal that walks out in the streets. His house has become a sort of mini zoo is home to eight dogs dende, a turtle, two dogs, 15 cats and five parrots, that before being adopted by Alfaro were in the grip of death.

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MERIDA. Spain. Kill Crickets Live

MERIDA-Paste hundreds of live crickets on a huge canvas and expose the public to see them agonize to death is not considered "animal abuse" at least "legally". This was decided Extremadura Board that the association will not sanction Havana Clearance for organizing this exhibition in a hall of Caceres.
And is that the exposure of this work, called "Zorba" was authored by the artist Ismael Plasencia Praise was closed last September, amid criticism he received from all sectors including administration autonomic. The scandal was such that even that even a visitor to the exhibition went home to an insecticide and sprayed the crickets to die and not suffer any more.

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punishes not decrease in the number of birds affects the pollination of plants Birds of Chernobyl

Dave Kelly of the University of Canterbury, has warned that the decline of birds in the world is causing a decrease in plant life . Shrubs Rhabdothamnus solandri New Zealand have declined slowly in the continent because the endemic birds responsible for the pollination and seed dispersal have largely disappeared. New Zealand has lost 49% of land birds. Seed production in the continent fell by 84% and 55% had less than young plants.

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They have smaller brains

An international group of researchers found that birds that live around the area of \u200b\u200bChernobyl, the Russian region where there was a nuclear accident 1986, 5% have brains smaller than other birds of the same species.
The researchers, who include scientists Norwegian, French and American, assert that this is directly related to the persistent radiation exists in the area.
The results come after a study of 550 birds of 48 different species living in the region.
The smaller sizes of the brain are associated with reduced cognitive abilities of animals.

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VALENCIA. Spain. Maritime Neighbours Avoidance Cages Covers the Raptors

Raptors besetting the Maritime caged birds have sharpened the wit of the residents. Two years ago, Xavier was left with only a canary that was sixteen. Lost birds that had spent years raising and, moreover, were worth about 300 euros, although, as Javier highlights "that was not important." Maritime
This neighbor says that birds of prey that nest two years ago in a former nightclub canaries harassed her until wiped them out. However, predators know where the food is easy because, directly, have been ruled out of game.
"After finishing my canaries kestrels returned on several occasions. I just left a female so I went to start from scratch because this is a hobby that is very hard to leave, "says Javier.

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PERU. Piura: Logging and Mining Threaten to

lit only by torches on their cell phones and the brightness of stars, a group of passengers waiting at dawn and in the middle of dry forest, a sign of White-winged Guan. I have heard the crickets chirping, huerequeques, trogones and other birds, but not the bird that is endangered critically endangered, according to International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Don Lino Rico Parra the guide and guardian Frejolillo Forest in Huarmaca, is the only one who does not lose faith. "Here lives. I've seen since I was 8 years, "says into the silence. Suddenly, whoosh, heard a sharp gasp and distance. "That's the kettle pasallos" he adds.

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Guan Species Extinction is "Disaster in Slow Motion" Ecosystems

New Zealand scientists say they have evidence that the extinction of animal and plant species can have large long-term adverse effects ecosystems.
Experts linked the decline of a common shrub in the extinction of two pollinating birds over a century.
Gloxinia Shrub suffers, "says the study, the effects of the disappearance of these birds in the North Island, exterminated by rats that came in ships that came to this land in the nineteenth century.
Mistletoe is another species, as scientists warn, is undergoing the process they describe as a "disaster in slow motion."

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The program very useful and Murder WINNIPEG


On Sunday February 6 at 20:00., In the "Marathon Cooks Full Throttle," which is broadcast on Utilísima channel, was a challenge which consisted of cooking small animals (a sort of guinea pig or guinea pig), before the cameras. They were in a cage and were killed there in the cooking program.
to distribute this horror not remain unpunished.

Friday, February 4, 2011

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Animal House. MANITOBA. Canada. Another Case of Sudden Death Birds: 10,000 more

E l phenomenon of sudden death of birds now reached Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada, where on Tuesday January 4 appeared about 10,000 dead wild birds. The officials sidestepped the issue of journalists for the floor 4 of the Canada Science center of the city. The deaths of birds in Canada are among other similar cases in various parts of the United States and Sweden, among other allegations have not been verified.
The Canadian community began circulating the story that a highly virulent strain of avian influence spread to both wild birds and poultry.