Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Caterpillar D68u Review

Transgenics: a breakthrough or a danger

12 to April 17 week Greenpeace welcomes the state's fight against GMO. GMOs threaten our health and degrade the environment. Contaminate other crops and destroy family farms, exacerbating global hunger. Coexistence is not possible. Consumer / as and farmers / as we have the right and responsibility to hear and decide how and where our food is produced.

A transgenic (genetically modified organisms, GMOs) is a living organism that has been created artificially by manipulating their genes. Techniques genetic engineering is to isolate segments of DNA (genetic material) of a living (viruses, bacteria, plant, animal and even human) to introduce the genetic material of another.

The fundamental difference with traditional breeding techniques is that can cross the species barrier to create creatures that do not exist in nature . This is a large-scale experiment based on a scientific model that is in question.
Some of the dangers of these crops to the environment and agriculture are the increased use of toxic substances in agriculture, pollution genetics, soil pollution, biodiversity loss, development of resistance in insects and "weeds" or unwanted effects on other organisms. The effects on ecosystems are irreversible and unpredictable.

The risks long-term health of GMOs in food or animal whose products we consume are not properly assessed and its scope is still unknown. New allergies, toxic appearance of new and unexpected effects are some of the risks.

GMOs reinforce the control of world food by a few multinational corporations. Countries that have adopted massive use of transgenic crops are clear examples of unsustainable agriculture. In Argentina, for example, the massive influx of genetically modified soybeans exacerbated the crisis in agriculture with an alarming increase in the destruction of forests, displacement of peasants and rural workers, increased use of herbicides and a serious replacement food production for local consumption.

The solution to hunger and malnutrition goes through the development of sustainable technologies and fair access to food and the use of techniques such as agriculture and organic farming. The biotech industry used its market power and political influence to divert financial resources that require real solutions.

defend the application of the Precautionary Principle and therefore we are opposed to any release of GMOs into the environment. Field trials, even on a small scale, also present risks of genetic pollution, so too should be banned.

Greenpeace is not opposed to biotechnology provided it is done in confined, controlled, without interaction with the environment . Despite the great potential molecular biology to understand the nature and development of medical research, this can not be used as justification to turn the environment into a gigantic experiment with commercial interests.

Did you know ...

  • to Spain reach 6 million tons of soybeans, of which approximately 66% is transgenic, and a million and a half tons of maize are grown in countries that have opted for the massive use of transgenic ?
  • Spain is the only EU country that grows GM large-scale in 2008 were grown some 80,000 hectares of corn modified with genes from bacteria?
  • two-thirds of the foods we eat contain soy products and corn?
  • in transgenic crops are used many toxic products, contrary to what the companies say that promote them, with consequent damage to the environment and health?
  • are experimenting with cow genes of soybean plants with genes in apple moth and even rat genes in lettuce?
  • that since the April 18, 2004 all food (except animal products like meat, milk and eggs) from transgenic crops have to be labeled as "genetically modified"?


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