"Lord Jesus, who faithfully visits
and fill with your presence
the Church and the history of men
in the admirable sacrament of your Body and your Blood
make us partakers of the divine life and make us a foretaste
the joy of eternal life;
we adore and bless you.
adore you source and lover of life
truly present and alive among us, we pray.
awakens in us a respect for all nascent human life, enabling us
to appreciate the fruit of the womb
the admirable work of the Creator,
preparing our hearts for the warm welcome of every child to life.
Bless the families,
sanctifies the union of the spouses,
make their love fruitful. Join
the light of your Spirit
the decisions of legislatures,
for peoples and nations
recognize and respect the sacredness of life, all human life.
guide the work of scientists and physicians,
to contribute to the good progress of the individual and no one suffers
suppression and injustice. Charity Gift
creative managers and economists, who can intuit
to promote
sufficient conditions for young families to
quietly opened to the birth of new children. Consuela
of husbands who suffer from the inability to have children, and your kindness
provides. Education
everyone to care for abandoned orphans,
so they can experience the warmth of your charity,
the comfort of your Divine Heart.
With Mary, your Mother, the great believer, in whose womb
have assumed our human nature,
expect from you, our only true Good and Savior,
the strength to love and serve life, waiting to live You always,
in the communion of the Holy Trinity.
Amen. "
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